Angular Architecture

Next we'll use the CLI to generate our application's primary architecture. From the root of your Angular project, run each of the following commands to set up the app.

Callback Page

Remember that we configured our Auth0 application to use a route located at http://localhost:4200/callback when redirecting back to our application after authentication with Auth0's login page. The Callback component will call the method that parses the authentication hash and sets up a user's session. We can create the component easily with the CLI like so:

ng g component pages/callback --flat

The g is a shortcut for generate.

Note: We could also use ng g c to generate a component, but for the sake of clarity, this workshop will always use the full name of the type of file we wish to create.

Newly generated components are declared in the nearest parent module. In this case, this is the app.module.ts because we haven't created any other modules yet.

Home Page

Generate the Home page component, which will be available to all users regardless of authentication state, and is the default view for our app.

ng g component pages/home --inline-template false

Dinosaurs Page

Generate the Dinosaurs page component, which will be accessible to everyone. This page will show a list of dinosaurs fetched from the API with our unprotected /api/dinosaurs endpoint.

ng g component pages/dinosaurs --inline-template false

Dinosaur Details Page

Generate the Dinosaurs Detail page component, which will be accessible to authenticated users that contain the scope read:dino-details. This page will show a additional information on the selected dinosaur from our protected /api/secure/dinosaur/:name endpoint.

ng g component pages/dinosaur-details --inline-template false

Dinosaur Info Component

Generate the component that will display information for each dinosaur from a list of dinosaurs. Additionally, an authenticated user will be able to favorite a dinosaur, granted they have the right scope of write:dino-fav and further the role of editor. This component will interact with the protected /api/secure/fav endpoint.

ng g component pages/dinosaurs/dino

Profile Page

Generate the Profile page component, which will be accessible to authenticated users to show their personal information, which is fetched from Auth0 using the client.userInfo() method from auth0.js.

ng g component pages/profile --inline-template false

Shared Components

Now we'll create a new module. This Shared module will supply components that need to be shared across the app's other modules.

ng g component shared/loading 
ng g component shared/error

Auth Services

Next we'll create an Authentication module. This module will supply our app with everything it needs to share regarding authentication, such as an auth service, token interceptor service, and route guards.

ng g service auth/auth 
ng g guard auth/auth 
ng g service auth/secure-interceptor
ng g component auth/auth-header --inline-template false

Data Service

Finally, let's create a service and interface so that we can work with our API data.

ng g service data/api
ng g interface data/dino

Aside: Linting

As we develop the Angular app, we can lint our project using the following Angular CLI command, which utilizes Codelyzer:

ng lint

Run this command periodically as you're building out your app to catch and correct any errors or warnings and to follow best practices.

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