
You should now be comfortable with authenticating an Angular app and Node.js API with Auth0. We hope that you've learned a lot during this workshop, and are now armed with the knowledge necessary to tackle your next Angular authentication project with confidence!

Scaling Angular

Building an Angular app that supports lazy loading with feature modules out of the box paves the way for scalability in the future. Adding additional lazy loaded modules should be straightforward when using the architecture we've covered in this workshop. Our route guards and use of shared modules allows global features to be implemented easily in any additional modules.

Scaling Auth0

Auth0 provides a powerful and robust Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) platform. If and when you're interested in taking your authentication solution to the next level, you can explore some of these features:


Let us know if you have any questions about where to go from here, additional features available from Auth0, or anything else on your mind!

Additional Resources

Check out these additional resources to learn more:

Authenticating Angular Apps

  • Real-World Angular Series (8 parts): Build a real-world app with MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node (MEAN); from modeling and architecture to production deployment on VPS with SSL
  • Angular Authentication Tutorial: Learn how to quickly build Angular apps and add authentication the right way

Authentication Terms and Concepts


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